I've happened upon what might be a brilliant (or equally might be a dim) idea for this here blog: I'm going to present a week in the life of Beijing Bec! Mm hmm!
This is going to be my life as it's lived (as opposed to the entertaining version), and will show just one little life lived in a rather extraordinary setting. Living in Beijing no longer feels unusual to me (I'm surrounded by people who are doing the same!), but when I stop and ponder on it, I realise that in fact it is!
So, I'm going to start here, on the 1st of December and delight you with some shockingly festive photos of my morning.
I woke up with my alarm at 6am, turned it off and dozed until 7:30 (yum)! Then leapt out of bed with the happy thought that it's the start of December and I can therefore get my Crimbly tree out and try out my brand new advent calender which arrived yesterdy, care of my wonderful mother (thanks Ma!) Morning is my favourite time of day in my apartment - a time to light candles, listen to BBC radio and do some work, reading or thinking. See the photos below for my progress in Christmasfying my apartment so far:
The stocking dangling from yonder bookcase is another pal of mine - we've spent every single Christmas together so far! He was created for me by my grandmother Omi Lynch (from 'Oma': German for grandmother).
The rather bare tree on the desk was a purchase from Ikea (in Beijing) last year. I think it's fantastic, and it stays out all year long. The bauble is a recent addition, bought for me at Harrods last week by my jolly friend Sarah Marsh (who lives upstairs).
Although it may not be so clear in this photo, the bowl on the table is filled with mini Christmas crackers, kept from last year. Ah! The festiveness of it all!
Time to start the day. I'll take my camera and keep you informed of goings on!
Do enjoy your Saturday x
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