Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bite, bite, nibble, nibble...

Yes, the sunshine has arrived, and with it come the mozzies to feast on my delicate 皮肤 (pi fu: skin). I am in danger of turning into one GREAT BIG mozzie bite - itch, itch, scratch, scratch! Argh!

Now please meet the new addition to my life: Kevin the Panda (Kevin to his friends)! As you can see from the snaps that follow, he's quite the little tyke!

Don't be deceived, he's only little - I managed to find Kevin-sized bananas to feed him! Awwww!

Here's Kevin's friend, he belongs to my pal Liam and lives at the bar with him. Kevin likes him because he doesn't try to eat his little bananas, unlike me.

Love, as ever, from us in the East!

Bec and Kevin
x X x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its all Panda-monium over there!

Pete G.